I learned young the wonder of hope.
Hope would make me feel great.
When there was something I wanted,
I would dream and smile wide,
All I wanted would be mine someday.
As I grew older my hope changed.
Others had what I did not.
My smile flattened as hope dimmed.
Yet hope kept me from action.
Down deep desire became hunger.
Hope, now hollow, is unfulfilled.
My desires are demands.
Don't preach about opportunity.
I have needs here and now.
Demands are real, no means exist.
So, hope has turned to demands,
Then envy then despair,
Empty hope stings as youth fades.
I curse who sold me hope,
A dingy vessel of foul air.
Here are the youth who believed in hope,
A generation passed by time,
A decade of hopeless faces,
Victims of spinning words,
Lost souls preyed on and forgotten.